Okay I'm starting to freak out. Not really bad or anything just that wow it's coming so fast. We've all been working on so much. Watching it all come together is..is..well it's exciting. =) 119 days. Yowzaa!
So the latest news? We have an officiant! Glen, a very close friend of my family who might as well be a godfather of me has got ordained for us and will be marrying us! We're so excited! When we couldn't find anyone that we could see marrying us we looked into having someone ordained. When we started thinking of who, Glen was the first person to come to mind. When he excepted, he got right on it. Yay!!
Oo we booked a limo bus too! I haggled and got us a GREAT deal. When I started out quoting prices it was $1200 for 4 hrs. When they called back they dropped it to $1100, since we're "in they're backyard," and for the 2 hrs toward the end of the reception for a shuttle they quoted us for $600. I decided to call another place in Pittsburgh and they quoted us for $1070 for a shuttle bus (NOT a limo bus and it didn't inlcude champagne or a stocked bar like the other did). So from there I gave the other place a call back and she said she doubted she could do much else, but she would talk to her boss. When she called back she told us she didn't know why or how, but we're getting the NEW limo bus for all 6 hrs need for only $1200. So essentially we're getting 2 hrs for free. Woot!!

Love the inside of it! I think our wedding party and guests are going to love it too!
While up in PA a few weeks ago Josh got fitted for his tux! and so did Ryan. While we were there a mother was coming in to pick up her son's ringbearer tux for a wedding the next day and I couldn't help but think that'll be all of us shortly. It was like..wow, this is really happening. We got the tux info sent out to everyone and this weekend when we go up for Easter I'm taking my dad and grandpap to get fitted for their tuxes. So exciting!!
Oo I ordered Josh's wedding gift too! He's going to LOVE it..so hard keeping it from him though.
Designed and ordered our guestbook..it arrived yesterday. It's soooo nice!

The front and just a few pages of the guest book, yay!
Today on the knot Ashley O. posted about customizable stamps and an unbelievable deal. $10 off, $10 credit, and they ended up being less than what they would be to buy regular stamps at the post office, even with shipping and handling. Wooooo!!
I finally got the table runners all cut out and 5 of them are sewn. 23 to go. I think they're a bigger pain then the cranes, haha!
We've been working on the escort cards lately too. Go the tags all printed, ribbons cut and edges burned, tying them on to the take out boxes, and Josh has even helped. They look great!
I worked on programs all day today. Finally got a mockup. I love how they turned out.
The first bridesmaid dress is in!! Can't wait for the others! =)
I picked up a sash and garter for the bachlorette party at Target for $1 a piece. Yay $1 deals at Target, haha!
I think that's about it. Everything's coming together. Less than a month until the wedding shower too! Yay!!