New Apartment
Well since the last update we've moved into our apartment in Hamilton and simply love it. We've made it our own and the landlord and her kids are great. The area is really nice too. Josh is only about 30 minutes from work here and I have a job in Landsdown (about 15 minutes away) at Emilo's Brick Oven Pizza. I really enjoy working there. This past month even with Christmas we were able to save over $1000. It feels so good to finally be putting in the savings account. =)
One of the first days in our new apartment
DIY Items Purchased
So with this money I've made a few purchases. I ordered some more of the items I'll need for the 26 total DIY projects I'll be doing. All of the chinese take out boxes, ribbon, and fabric I need to make the escort/table cards/favor boxes, invites and other paper products, as well as the table runners. It's been great benig able to make a few purchases and not worry about where the money is coming.
16 cent Chinese Takeout Boxes..can't beat that =)
Fake Flowers & Petals
Now since we plan to use petals to line the isle and to do so without leaving anything behind I plan to string them on fishing line and attach the ends to dial rods that we'll stick down into the ground. And we're now going to use them for some of the centerpieces. So I put an ad on the Trash to Treasure board and got a few responses. I ordered 500 pink/white petals for $4.00 including shipping. And now another bride getting married March 20 offered me 2,400 petals (pink & white) for $20.00 including shipping. Can't beat that. I think I'll still need more, but we'll see. I recently asked Josh's cousin (groomsman), Jason, to measure the length of the "isle" on the island so I could get a rough estimate of how many I'll need. We strung a few and it looks like 10 petals/ft is what we'll go with. Also on the flower front I woman on craigslist back home in PA is selling me 50 Callalillies for $50. The ones she's selling are typically $3/stem..can't beat that. =) 500 petals
Thanksgiving Break Wedding
Since the last post we went to a wedding of a family friend that was held at the same reception hall we have. It was really nice and we had a great time. It made us really anxious. =) The same caterer we were planning to have was there as well and it acted as our "tasting". Everything was really good and Joshs parents even approved. We recently got a quote from them and it's about half price of everywhere else back home. Since they're new they're just trying to get their name out there. Sooo good though.Aleece caught the bouquet and Ryan caught the garter..she's going to punch someone if she doesn't get it at ours, I'm sure..hahaha
Play some game that we were quite terrible at, haha
Save The Dates
All of the Save The Dates are now together too. They turned out really nice and I'm waiting on less than 8 addresses and then I'll be able to send them out hopefully by Friday this week. Can't wait!!What is under the magnet, when you take it off
Now as for the cranes. I've been doing pretty good. All of them are made and over 1/2 of the display is done. I just started yesterday on the 2nd half. 575 strung/425 to go! Woo hoo! It's going to look amazing behind the head table..I just love how unique it is. =) 1/2 way there!!
First Wedding Gift
Over Christmas we go our first "wedding gift" from my parents. A Cake Knife and Server set that's really nice. We were so excited to get it.
Speaking of cake. Our baker went out of business, but luckily I have some connections. =) A girl i went to school with that graduated 2 years before me, Kim, does wedding cakes. She does a "fake" cake with sheet cakes in the back. A real cake on the bottom for us to cut though. They look really real too. Anyways she's only going to charge us for the supplies and what it costs to make it. Yay! If her wedding wasnt' the weekend after mine I would have offered to be her wedding day of coordinator or something. Oh well though.
Wedding Day Necklace
Oh I have my necklace for the big day now too! FMIL and FSIL and I went to a jewelry party and FMIL purchased this for me. I love it and I think it's going to go beautifully with the neckline of my dress. =) Isn't it beautiful? =)
Wedding Bands
Speaking of jewelry while Christmas shopping Josh and I went to Zales to look at wedding bands and found the ones that we want and can't wait to purchase here soon.My Wedding Band =)
Josh's Wedding Band
My most recent project though has been our invites. My cousin, Stephanie, goes to school for art and offered to design and draw the inside of our invites. She got it to me over Christmas and I absolutely love it. It's perfect and everything I thought it would be and more. She did such a good job! Here's a rough draft. I still have to create the RSVP postcards and the rest of inserts, but this is it right now.
Upcoming visit to PA
Everythings really starting to come together. Towards the end of this month we're going up to PA for a visit and we plan to get a few more things done. We really need to find an officiant, get the caterer their deposit, and sign the reception hall contract. Lots to do. Oh and I'll be going with my bridesmaids to look at dresses. I think I found one I'd really like to get for them, but we'll see what they all think first and go from there.
207 days. Wow. Almost to the 1/2 way point. I just can't believe it. I'm going to be Mrs. Grabiak before I know it. =) <3
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