Day by day I'm crossing more off. I trully feel like I'm ahead of the game. I don't want to jinx myself though.
Here's some of the recent checks! =)
Flowergirl Dresses
We finally have both of our flowergirl dresses purchased. Makayla is in pink and Ember will be in white with a pink sash..I think I want to add a flower to it too, but here they are. =)
Ember's is from Davids Bridal and it is white with pickups. It's so pretty..can't wait til it comes in. Though the delivery date makes us all a little nervous: July 26, 2010. Ahh!
Makayla's we got at the Burlington Coat Factory..
Here's some of the recent checks! =)
Flowergirl Dresses
We finally have both of our flowergirl dresses purchased. Makayla is in pink and Ember will be in white with a pink sash..I think I want to add a flower to it too, but here they are. =)
Ember's is from Davids Bridal and it is white with pickups. It's so pretty..can't wait til it comes in. Though the delivery date makes us all a little nervous: July 26, 2010. Ahh!
Makayla's we got at the Burlington Coat Factory..

So check!! =)
Josh, groomsman, my dad, and grandfather are all fitted for their tuxes. All that's left is Josh's dad and Dustin, our ringbearer, who can't get fitted until the beginning of July.
Check and Check! =)
They are DONE! D. O. N. E. I can't believe it. Also the pink one's I ordered off's wedding classifieds are in. I plan to use them to swag across the head table, cake table, and entrance.
Check, Check, Check!! =)
Escort Cards
The half that we can do is done. We can only do the numbers on one side until we get the rsvp's back and get the table seating figured out. Josh had helped with these a lot. =)
So I'm considering this a check.
Check, check, check, and check!! =)
Money Bag
This was just a quick sew after I completed the table runners, but I'm so happy with how it turned out. Though the $ dance doesn't go over well on and other places it's a tradition and it's so much fun in my own opinion. I've always loved folding my dollar up into some kind of shape (a crane appropriate ;) and going round and round dancing with the bride. It's a blast.
Here it is..
Check, check, check, check, and check!! =)
I can not believe these are completed. I'm blown away by it. I started at the end of December and finished early May. Here they are..I'm so proud.....

Check, check, check, check, check, and CHECK!! =)
Father - Daughter Dance Song
I finally got around to purchasing and downloading the song we will be using for the father-daughter dance. It's perfect for my dad and I. Ever since I can remember my dad has called me "Daddy's Little Angel". Finding this song was just perfect...
Checkity, check, check, check, check, check, chhhhhhhhheck! =)
Feels so good to be getting this all done. =) More to update later.
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