My Shower was May 2, 2010 at 3pm. It rained earlier in the day and cleared up toward the end it was a perfect day for a "shower"
I'll post more pics when I get them all back, but for now the ones I have will have to do.
In attendance I'd say there were about 50 or so women there it was great to see everyone and meet some of Josh's family who I did not know yet.
Everything became a lot more REAL there. I successfully made Aleece cry as well as many other women in the room. I guess the speech I did came out alright afterall.
So here's how it all went down.
I arrived with my mom and we helped to finish setting what was left to set up. From there as everyone came in they were to sign into the guestbook, drop there recipe for me in a basket, and then take there tickets to enter in the chinese auction for 13 different themed baskets. As the shower went on we pulled a ticket and a guest won the basket. We did this instead of the games and I think it turned out wonderfully. =)
When I walked in though the first thing I noticed was the clothesline above the head table with multiple pairs of undies hanging from it, hahaha! I guess there's a poem or a game to go with it, but Aleece just wanted to use it for decoration. It was definitely a coversation piece, haha!
I'll post more pics when I get them all back, but for now the ones I have will have to do.
In attendance I'd say there were about 50 or so women there it was great to see everyone and meet some of Josh's family who I did not know yet.
Everything became a lot more REAL there. I successfully made Aleece cry as well as many other women in the room. I guess the speech I did came out alright afterall.
So here's how it all went down.
I arrived with my mom and we helped to finish setting what was left to set up. From there as everyone came in they were to sign into the guestbook, drop there recipe for me in a basket, and then take there tickets to enter in the chinese auction for 13 different themed baskets. As the shower went on we pulled a ticket and a guest won the basket. We did this instead of the games and I think it turned out wonderfully. =)
When I walked in though the first thing I noticed was the clothesline above the head table with multiple pairs of undies hanging from it, hahaha! I guess there's a poem or a game to go with it, but Aleece just wanted to use it for decoration. It was definitely a coversation piece, haha!
From there Aleece made her little introduction speech and we all began eating. There was SO much food and it was all so good. Speaking of food the favors for each guest were so yummy. They had a truffle, pretzels with rollos melted in them, peanut butter balls with chocolate, and a strawberry dipped in white chocolate. So yummy!
The centerpieces were "flower pots" and they had "flowers" (cupcakes iced to look like flowers). Each guest also had a callalily at their place setting and they were to remove the cupcake to eat and replace it with the callalily after they wrote advice for Josh and I on it. So I then had advice bouquets. It was really cute and I loved reading all of them at the end of the shower. A lot of them made me laugh. =)
Mid-lunch? Josh comes in carrying a vase with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. It was so sweet and everyone "Awwwwww'd" even though Josh didn't want them to. Hehe, it was really cute. =)
After everyone ate I began my speeches and introduced my flowergirls as well as my bridesmaids. I had previously made jewelry for each of them and handed these out as well. From what I could tell they all loved them.
I then gave Aleece her MOH specific gift and I'm pretty sure she loved it too. The day before she's telling me "If you haven't noticed I love zebra print"...really?! I had NO idea. ;) hahaha!
From there I began opening gifts and let me tell you everything was so nice. We got a lot of kitchen stuff to update what we have already and I got some nice personal stuff as well.
Phyllis, our savior for the weekend had to leave, but since she made the cake and will be making our wedding cake she wanted a picture with me and the cake before she had to go. Let me tell you that cake was delicious! =)
It was really an amazing day with amazing women that I'm never going to forget. =) on to those Thank You cards!
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